Friday, November 5, 2010

2010 Vote - The Vote Big Business Bought

I know that the Republicans would like everybody to believe that the country just handed control of the House to them because everybody is upset with Obama.  Wake up!  That is not what happened.

When Democrat Jenny Oropeza beat her opponent - even though she is DEAD then the election results are not an indictment against the Democratic administration.

The Republicans gaining control of the house is a loud testament to the impact of the Supreme Court decision allowing Corporations to buy elections.  Even the Republicans know they are in power because of Wall Street fat cats pouring MILLIONS into races to buy your vote.  And it worked.  The American public's vote can be bought in most instances.  So again I say WAKE UP AMERICA.

Here are a few headlines that nail it.
Spending blitz by outside groups helped secure big GOP wins

Hedge fund moguls helped bankroll groups' attack ads, sources tell NBC News


Big Business Makes Wish List for GOP

or the NY Times articles claiming "a relatively small number of deep-pocketed donors exerted an outsize influence on Tuesday's results."

There were the news reports of McDonalds Corp and even Boeing trying to sway employees into voting Republican by threatening no raises or claiming health insurance out-of-pocket costs will go up because of Obama - the articles debunked that load of crap (health insurance costs) but employees still bought into the wholesale lies.

Congratulations America - you have shot yourselves in the foot, cut your nose off to spite your face and every other saying to denote YOU BLEW IT BIG TIME.

So the sheep (that would be anybody voting Republican) figured that the Repugs didn't dig us into a deep enough hole so they handed out new shovels to dig the hole we are in even deeper!

The corporate manipulated masses gave a new box of matches to the guys who burned the economic house down in the first place!

America, did you actually think for one microsecond that giving "The Party of NO" any headway was going to result in anything but a gridlocked Government?  Because you have now voted to have the next 2 years be a waste of all our time and tax-payer money.  I want an apology from all of you for wasting my time and money.

Angry Voters Choose Government Gridlock, Investigations and Shutdown

Then there are those people who just got so weary and tired of all the political bickering they didn't vote at all.  Apparently there are plenty of people who would rather give their personal power to a greedy corporation to decide how their lives should go.  MAN UP!