Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thoughts on Big Mayoral Race

It seems such a no-brainer, and yet people still don't get it.

Stephen Bach - being funded by Kock Bros millionaires for attack ads on his opponent.  He has said with pride not long ago that he brings experience of being a developer, but gets upset when called that by an opponent. He stole his opponent's passion of open spaces and parks for his own (which he has no record of).  Colorado Springs Independent paper interviewed his ex-wife and thus exposed his wife-beating past.  Oh and he is against basic gay rights.  But he wants to attract more business to the area!  Those two don't mix.  Study after study after study has said this city must stop competing to be the most anti-gay if we want to attract talent and jobs.  CLUE.

Here is why voting for Bach is stupidity exemplified.  Look at what conservatism has gotten us thus far - named the "Hate State," can't attract new creative talent here because of competing over who can be more anti-gay - we can't attract anything but more Religious Right extremists, the police force has been cut, police helicopter that was a gift to fight the growing gang problem had to be sold, firemen have been cut, street lights turned out, snow removal cut way back...and those open spaces Bach loves - well park services cut to nil.

In his debates he talks in standard rhetoric with absolutely no real solutions.  He is the same old thing that will only flush Colorado Springs further down the toilet - but then if the majority vote for this idiot that is what you deserve.  But not me!  I am a native and sick and tired of Conservatives and Focus on the Family taking a wrecking ball to this town.

Women, wake up.  This man doesn't respect women.  I came from an abusive marriage and they don't miraculously stop being abusers.  It is a sickness. 

Take a lesson from the Republicans in the rest of the nation who want to decimate our schools, restrict access to even the morning-after-pill for rape victims (HR3 they conveniently redefined rape - without asking the nation's women!)  And there is even a Republican backed state bill (not Colo.) to make a woman prove she had a miscarriage and not a coat hanger incident.  Look it up if you don't believe me.  Steve Bach will be more of that ilk.

GLBT community - WAKE the hell up.  Bach wants your taxes but wants to deny your basic rights.  He doesn't want you marrying or getting domestic partner benefits.  He doesn't want to attract businesses here if it means more GLBT might want to live here. 

Independents - don't be fooled.  Bach isn't fiscally conservative.  He will do what all the Republicans are doing throughout the nation, give huge tax cuts to the wealthiest people and large corporations and then make the working class get less services for their tax money.  Jobs - please - he doesn't have any solid solutions!  He has the same load of crap the Republicans ran on in 2010 - how is that working for you?  They threaten to shut down the government if they didn't get their way to give more to the wealthy. That is no deal.  That is robbery and true elitism and entitlement.

If Bach wins it just proves all over again P.T. Barnum was right.  There is a sucker born every minute!